Cool facts about Lake Huron

City2map / Articles

Lake Huron is one of North America's Great Lakes. Here are some interesting facts about this nassive piece of water.

  • The area of Lake Huron is 23,007 square miles (59,590 sq km) which makes it larger than Costa Rica or Croatia, and almost twice as large as Belgium. 
  • The max depth of Lake Huron is 750 feet, which equals to a height of a 70-storey skyscraper. 
  • If Huron and Michigan lakes were counted as one, they would be the largest freshwater lake on Earth by area.
  • About 9000 years ago there was a land bridge inside Lake Huron, so one could cross it by feet without swimming. 
  • The first European ship to sail the Great Lakes was built in 1679 and called Le Griffon. Its wreckage is still lying on the bottom of Lake Huron.
  • In total, there are more than a thosusand shipwrecks inside Lake Huron.
  • Manitoulin island, located in the northern part of Huron, is the largest island in the World, located inside a freshwater lake. The island even has some lakes of its own. 

Lake Huron

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