Laurel, Mississippi: city map as of April 2024. Streets, traffic, landmarks and transport of Laurel, MS.

USA / Mississippi / Laurel

Laurel, Mississippi is a wonderful city and the county seat of Jones County. The city is known for its history in the timber industry, which was a major economic driver in the early 20th century. Laurel was home to the largest lumber mill in the world at one time, and many of the historic buildings in the downtown area were built during this period. Today Laurel is populated by 17 thousand inhabitants. This online map shows the exact scheme of Laurel streets, including major landmarks and natural objecsts. Zoom in or out using the plus/minus buttons on the map. Move the center of this map by dragging it. You are also welcome to check out the satellite map, Google map, things to do, open street map and street view of Laurel.

The exact coordinates of Laurel Mississippi for your GPS track:
Latitude 31.69331 North, Longitude 89.131081 West.

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An image of Laurel, MS

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